The First

Winter flowering narcissus.   This one most likely a hybrid of cultivation with elements of Narcissus romieuxii and Narcissus albidus.    I should have narcissus in flower for a few months now with a range of winter and spring flowering species in the collection.   About six inches high, this one in the cold frame beat yesterday's Paperwhite by about 24 hours.

 A slow Sunday after Jamie had a gallstone attack in the small hours which meant we lost about four hours sleep.    He's on the waiting list as a non-urgent referral but sadly in these strange times the likely wait means that he'll end up getting treated as an emergency admission with the waiting lists now so huge that it could take years to clear the backlog :-(

I did find the energy to fill the brown bin with garden waste and got a load of laundry almost dry outside in the sunshine but otherwise it's been a quiet one.

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