Saturday: Mystery Vehicle

K. really is a walking miracle.  After the type of surgery she had she should be more debilitated than she is but she is up and about, chipper and walked over 10,000 steps today, some with me as we went and did a bit of shopping, and some on her own.  She really is a trooper.

I’m still insisting on playing nurse, though, as evidenced by the fact that I made chicken noodle soup today.

We have a resident raccoon that has made itself very comfy in our garden for the last few days, to the extent the it is just lazing about in full view on a pile of dead leaves.  Barney is pretty unimpressed as we are making him keep his distance.  I keep encouraging said raccoon to move on but it keeps reappearing.

We spotted this in a back alley on our walk today.  It raises so many questions.  How on earth did they park it?  Or was the fence built around it?  And, if so, why, as that now blocks the garage?  And it’s obviously been there so long, the tyre has melded with the tarmac.  Any thoughts?

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