Big Hill

By bighill

Morgan and Tofino.

Morgan is here now, so it is all just we just have to await the arrival of the little guy.....only 7 days till her due date!

Since thursday when morgan arrived, we've just been hanging out here at my little airbnb, and today i got the covid test......after travelling from end of the country to the other we wanted to be safe!   they are now doing the mouth gargle it was all very easy and no pain at all!   Could take 24-48 hours for the results, so until i get the all clear, it's masks, social distancing etc., and Morgan is still staying with Bronwyn. 

This is Morgan ad Tofino this morning when we had a lovely hike thro the beautiful forest not far from Bronwyn's home!   I still am so impressed with the green moss growing every where!

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