You were standing sultry in the rain

The weekends and the days merge into one when you are working at home. 

Try to make it slightly different by doing things in a different order; and staying away from the computer.  It's too easy to click open the spreadsheet and start again. 

This morning, I woke at 6.30; and I did something i never usually do, because I don't want to disturb himself; but i put on my light and read.  I read for an hour and then I got up. 

I emptied the bins, emptied one of my raised beds, which the cats have decided to use as a litter tray;  hoed over the area of the garden they are suppose to poo in and fed the birds. 

I made himself a cuppa tea and an egg sandwich, and then we visited the allotment for some potatoes, and a check. 

then we did the shopping.  

I wasn't looking forward to it - with us being in lockdown again, I thought it would be chaotic; but it wasn't.  It was pretty empty and we scooted round; no panic buying, but definitely buying in the knowledge that we should have a houseful in two weeks. 

Then in the PM; I  baked an Orange and Pollenta Cake.   

I used the wrong kind of pollenta (it didn't specify, and I've never used it before).    

However, because it was wet; the moisture of the cake was very high, and instead of 45 minutes it took an hour and a half to cook. 

Then Of course, I made it really "moist" by adding the "glaze" which just soaked straight through. 

That being said; it tastes lovely and really light considering the lump of butter; all of the sugar, and the pollenta. 

I've fallen asleep in my chair - Himself has fallen asleep in the chair.  I think we both need to go to bed. 

I want to get back to my book!  Henning Mankell...  Oh I love it. 

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