A trip to Lichfield.

As there was some intermittent sunshine this morning, I had the overwhelming urge to go out and enjoy it. Our internet shop arriving this afternoon at 4.00pm, I decided to cook dinner this evening instead, for once. These days we both prefer it at lunchtime as it fills up the energy banks! Rather than in the evenings when it isn’t as necessary! Once having ascertained if Stephen would like to go to Lichfield with me, just for a walk in Beacon Park and on to the area around the Cathedral, we set off. His first time in the car since coming home from hospital, 3 weeks ago come Monday. Obviously not driving it yet!
As we are on the outer edge of Birmingham, the boundary for Staffordshire is just up the road.
We are situated 7 miles from Lichfield here and it’s a 16 minute car journey.
It was the right decision as the sun stayed out, with a brisk cool breeze blowing.
We noticed the little café in the park was serving takeaway coffees and sandwiches. We were second in the queue, and no one else behind us.
One cappuccino and a latté duly purchased everyone was suddenly drawn to the sound of a helicopter flying overhead and coming down beyond the tree line by the main road.
It was the Air Ambulance.
We all knew it had landed on the road somewhere, also hearing wailing sirens of emergency vehicles racing along the road which borders the tree lined parkland.
I just hoped that whoever was involved would soon have treatment.
Walking on through the gardens towards the town area and Cathedral I took this photo of a family who were enjoying feeding the ducks, which were in a minority as there were also lots of seagulls and one or two Canada geese.
I really love the Cathedral itself. Standing tall against a blue sky, populated with white and grey fast moving clouds.
It was fairly quiet in the Close.
The pedestrianised alley ways and streets were busy but not packed. People just out for a stroll.
Some of the independent little tea rooms and cafés were offering takeaway sandwiches, breakfast baps and other goodies, but cash only.
The majority of shops now do not take cash due to Covid.
It was good to be out in different surroundings, where beautiful old buildings mix in with the more modern.
On our way home we passed the big roundabout where The Bowling Green pub stands. The Air Ambulance was on their car park.
How on earth these pilots land on a sixpence is incredible.
There were lots of “sightseers”, including children, waiting for it to take off.
I’m assuming whoever had been involved in whatever had happened had been taken to hospital by ambulance earlier.
It was quite a sight as we drove past.
A quick trip to M&S at our local shops to get some sandwiches for lunch and some fresh flowers just before coming back here.
The day has now turned dull and windy, so I am pleased we went out earlier.
The light starts to fade at this time of year around 4.00-4.30pm.

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