Wearing purple...

By 60plus10

This week's supermarket flowers...

...for Flower Friday - but please, please, don't eat the daisies cabbages...

As predicted, a grey and soggy day so we caught up on some admin on the laptop this morning. This afternoon Roy touched up some scuffs on the kitchen paint, and I got the duster out and gave the bookcase a good polish... Scraping the bottom of the barrel, or what?? 
Farm takeaway to look forward to this evening though - and Roy even blagged me a Sunday Special on a Friday night... a giant Yorkshire Pud filled with sausages and veg. I think I might cope  ;) 

CORONA CLASSICS – we’ve both gone blue tonight ;)
From Dolly,  George Gershwin's Rhapsody in Blue (Leonard Bernstein conducts the New York Philharmonic) and from me  By The Beautiful Blue Danube (Johann Strauss II) - Bandung Philharmonic

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