And another one
Last week I blipped a model of a Kingfisher in an Arnside shop window.
One of my followers asked me if it was possible to buy it. I was able to tell her that the shop had a website and would deliver or that, even though the shop was closed you could safely collect your purchase.
The Kingfisher is no longer in the window so I hope she has succeeded in buying it. I must say I thought it was remarkably good value and would make an excellent Christmas gift.
So as I could find nothing else today I offer another example of local skill. This time an Avocet. Appropriate because you can see these every summer at our local RSPB.
The event of the day was my Covid test which I took at home at 06.15 this morning. And no, I have not been in contact with anyone who is infectious.
A few days ago I received a test kit in the post with an invitation to take part in a research project being run by Imperial College, London, the NHS and others. It said I had been randomly selected from my Doctor’s list. Mmm. I wonder.
It seemed to me that it was a socially responsible thing to take part. In fact my test swab, all sealed and kept in the Fridge has just been collected by a courier.
It was a little uncomfortable but that was nothing really.
I believe they will send me the test result.
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