Lisa's blipping life

By Lisamoore

And relax

For my birthday G kindly bought me a pamper day for two at our local spa.
It was booked for this afternoon, it included, early tea, 2 hour spa session, a mud bath and steam, a back massage followed by a relax in the relaxation room on the best massaging chairs EVER.
We ended up being there nearly 5 hours!
When we reluctantly decided to call it a night, while driving home we yawned and decided pjs and settee were needed.
And so we did.
It was then i remembered i needed to blip ( yes its become a must)
What a can blip? I thought of a few things but it mean moving so instead.....
Here is G's foot and G in pjs at the other end of the settee!
I will try harder tomorrow!
Night all zzzzzzzzzzzz

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