Life in Sunny Dubai

By GadgetKid

Three Bikes

Another day at home, so this is a "local" blip ... of the bikes that belong to the laundry downstairs. They often cover them with duvets or other large items that need to be dried. A few weeks ago, a flame tree that stood in this area was pulled out with no trace of its existence left. I didn't think it was possible to cover something up so quickly!

G took herself to school. She sent a message to say that we were supposed to organise Awana today. WHAT??!! Long story short, I didn't convert the living room into a studio, we just found a different way to do things. It was better - smoother and less to clear up afterwards, but it also meant I haven't got to play my guitar.

A quiet evening catching up on TV and we've even been able to watch a movie together, courtesy of SweetArt's Netflix account.

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