
By gabbahey

The good, the bad, the ugly and the even uglier.

Today was beautiful, weather-wise so Marcus and I popped down to a local pub for some food and a cheeky wee beer in the glorious sunshine.

The Good: We ate al fresco and had a great couple of hours there having a wee blether and eating and drinking the aforementioned food and beer. Note to self: if you're full after the starter, don't try to scoff your main just because the fresh lemon mayonnaise is amazing!!

The Bad: You can also see Marcus trying to get the lens cap off of my polarizing filter in this, it was stuck so tight that I was getting into a bit of a panic - all fixed now though!

The Ugly: I then went home and got ready for work.

Even Uglier: Marcus left his key in the door and fell asleep so I was locked out for a good 25 minutes because he didn't hear me phone the house, phone his mobile, chap the door, press the doorbell or the letterbox going.

So at 00.56 on the Saturday morning, i'm uploading my blip :)

I'm off to relax in front of the TV with some bruschetta before I nod off.


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