
By lorrained1980

Super busy day

This is a picture of Lola in the ball pit at curve motion the other day, I have had a really busy day ! Woke at 7.30 in a mental rush to get children ready for school dropped them off at 9 then had a scan at addenbrookes at 9.40 which was just blurghhhh but that's another story. Then popped to sainsbury's for something for lunch then took Ryan to the orthodontist then for a haircut, back home to sit down to lunch only to get a call to say emelia had just vomited EVERYWHERE at school, so picked her up. Got home started to make mac n cheese for dinner then back to school to get Niamh only to realise she had fashion and design and I wasn't meant to be picking her up, quick rush home to finish mac n cheese, Steven came home, I went back to sainsbury's to have my bloods taken- yes bloods at sainsbury's (how convenient!) cleaned the kitchen whilst Steven bathed the girls- made lunches and just sat down to do my blip yay !!

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