Location, location ...

Portobello beach and promenade have always been popular film locations. With social distancing restrictions now in place many tv news items are recorded here. On our walk this afternoon we encountered this location shoot at Joppa Bandstand. The word on the social media street is that this is part of a new follow the Covid rules reminder film. It was being shot at various locations along the promenade and in Figgate Park throughout the day. Ironically, if you look closely, the director and his acolytes are huddled penguinlike around the monitor on the left!

In the rain this morning we emptied the compost bin. T carefully distributed the excellent nutrition on the flowerbeds as I dealt with the slugs. I did reflect on the current furore surrounding the use of snakes and maggots etc. in “I’m a Celebrity”! For the record no slugs were harmed in the cleaning of the compost bin!

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