Poor Old Glasgow

While the SK was away having a coffee with her sister I nipped to the  other boat club and picked up some correspondence. I’m now fully online with the EML accounts, oh yes. 
Then listened into the covid update - we’ve narrowly escaped getting punted up to Tier 4. Ms Sturgeon looked a bit more pained than usual announcing the measures. We’re closing down so much to keep schools open and I certainly agree they should be kept open. If we can’t do that then we may as well throw in the towel. Whether closing a knick-knack shop makes any difference to the transmission seems unclear. Or cafes for that matter. Stephen Reicher was pressed on the matter and all he could volunteer was that we know transmission is higher indoors. Whether it’ll make much difference to the current level of new cases remains to be seen. 
Later a film - Hail, Caesar from those Coen Brothers wags, which I enjoyed very much even though it’s far from their best. The SK, not so very much at all. Her choice next then. Gulp!


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