Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

Happy Birthday Cleo

It's about now, can't find the exact date, but it's about now that this little m̶o̶n̶s̶t̶e̶r̶ sweetie is 8 years old. She still thinks she's a kitten although in cat terms she's middle aged - around the human equivalent of 48! Nobody has actually told her that though so when she saw her new toy she got stuck right in! It does have catnip in one of the balls so I may limit her use of it if she gets too addicted. Half price in Pets at Home so a bargain.
I woke to a beautiful rainbow this morning so decided to risk hanging out the washing as it was dry and sunny. Mistake! Just 30 minutes later the heavens opened!
Had a useful phonecall with the synod office this morning so hopefully things there will start moving.
I went down to Craigleith, to the petshop, Sainsburys then to M&S. Lots accomplished and very grateful that our ships are still open. I think leaving Edinburgh in tier 3 is probably a good decision, we're the lowest level in that group so things are going well. Hopefully they'll go even better over the next 3 weeks too. Our local MSP gave a very clear description online where he quotes the government guidance as well as linking to the illustrated guide.
I did a boringly thorough hoover this afternoon, can my life get any better I ask myself? Other than that it rained outside so I stayed in. Brought the washing in at around 4pm and put it through the spinner again at it was wetter than when I had hung it out this morning.
A while ago I took part in a Stirling University research progect on the impact of Covid 19 social distancing on the mental health and physical fitness of the over 60s. The results were sent out today along with an invitation to join some further research by joining the Stirling 1000 Elders database..... I really am going to have to adjust the way I think of myself... Elders database indeed!
Tomorrow I have an online feedback seminar with Breastcancer Now! about the research I took part in a couple of years ago. Life is full of excitement these days!

Keep safe everybody, these days it's 'keep warm' too!

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