The Pepper Patch

By PepperG

The Elusive Flutterby

My goal this morning? Blip a butterfly. As luck would have it on a sunny, dry, and cool Florida day the hillside beside Highland Pond was fluttered with White Peacocks. Anyone watching me scuttering here and there, on hands and knees , with Sport my backpocket camera must have gotten a good chuckle.

Thanks for all your comments and stars etc for yesterday's Morning Glory, and the best wishes for my med appt. Everything (mostly) was either "no change" or "looking good" and the concerns were no surprise, all part of the give and take of protecting my transplant with meds that have their own issues. No ice cream cone though. I've put on six pandemic isolation pounds. (he smiles impishly because he had a couple of cookies when he got home).

... and the adventure through the viewfinder continues.

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