In The Occupied Territory

By FinHall

Ullo John Got A New Motor

Words from a car showroom

Chairs in a circle, like being at a self help group
New cars, shining in the cool atmosphere
Plastic pot plants on the floor
The tv switched off.
I was second one in the waiting area
Now, I’m last.
Other have come and gone
Nearly two hours.
But Paul says, “ It should’t be long.”

A new model carsits not far from me,
Blue and electric.
No wing mirrors,
Only little cameras
No gear stick
Only little buttons
Not a big car,
But big enough
Not too little,
Unlike the price.

I lower my mask and have a drink of my water
As they offer no coffee or tea during this pandemic
The Honda e still looks good
Now all I need to do is win the lottery.

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