Hmmm where shall I jump next..

Great day as I had lots of sleep! Melody slept through til 6 and nodded back off at 7 so daddy had plenty of sleep too (typical!)
Then up for trampolining and Gym with jess and Sasha - lovely time - Melody's so cute jumping! She's just getting the hang of it! And gym she was great - balancing on a beam and diving onto the crash mat!
Home for nap - two bursts of 15 mins left for a tired old baby this pm :(
Later dan Mand shay and zac came over with my mum and we all went to build a bear for zacs bday - v cute but pricey! Melody can have one when she's older and gets it! Tried to take them to my party venue but they were funny about children :(
Bit of a row with mum (of course!) before they left.
Melody being very difficult tonight - flopping and crying over everything - I'm so glad she naps normally

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