Tech Marketing Guy

By tmg

Guess what this is and then read

The weather continues to be gray, rainy and dull here in New England. Making matters worse, Mrs TMG called me at work telling me that her car had a flat tire. A major challenge to deal with on top of screaming TMGs. We debated calling a tow truck and instead, I came home to help.

Of course, as my luck would have it, when I arrived the rain was pouring down and the car was outside. I jacked up the car, put on the mini spare and took the damaged tire to a local shop. Upon inspection they said that tire was worn and I would need four new tires. Fortunately, we later found that only two had to be replaced. Even so, we had to leave the car there, migrate the little TMGs seats to my little car and pay much more then expected. It was an overwhelming for everyone.

In classic blip moment, I decided to take some random pictures while waiting for the rest of the TMG family to arrive at the shop. I did not have high hopes for the shots, but figured that I would do something productive while waiting. (Since I am was waiting in a tire shop, the subject was obvious!)

The resulting shots were somewhat boring. I was inspired by this shot from DogenZenji and started exploring Photoshop filters to see if I could create something more interesting. This was a first for me. I am quite happy with the result. The picture went from this to what you see here.

I love how this shot looks modern and high tech kind if like a circuit board. The hints of green and purple also work nicely.

Glowing edges filter

Constructive criticism always welcome.

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