What Is It?

It is SWMBO's birthday today so I was first in the shop and raced back to the house so that I could get the awkward box finished It wasn't finished being awkward! ..... one glue not taking (glad I had more than kind) and the base flying off the lathe and cracking (very glad that glued without problem and without leaving a mark).

The house is now full of flowers and we have spent half the day on the phone having video chats with No1 son - twice!, the Wicked Witch and now SWMBO is chatting to her brother who is 'somewhere in Africa' (he and his wife work for the American Diplomatic Service).

I knew I wasn't going to be going anywhere to get a picture so I thought I would take a picture of that unknown fruit.
The supermarket sells them under the name Persimmon (£1.15 for 3) and Sharon Fruit (£1.50 for 3 slightly smaller ones) and a different shop sells them as Kaki for much cheaper. The supermarket is unable to explain why they sell them as 2 different things at 2 different prices (in exactly the same packaging from the same place).

Due to phone calls this entry has taken me an age to do and I have completely lost the thread of what I was going to say - so ........ Goodnight!

Edit - just remembered .................... A Link to let you see how sad my life is.

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