Peeking Pony

A fairly miserable day.  Cold, windy and rained most of the day.  It dried in the evening, with clearer skies, but still windy.  There was a brief sunny spell in the morning. 

I've been working in the museum all day, and it's been a fairly quiet day.  I have been kept busy working on a new photo archive exhibition, due to go up in our café area.  I have managed a couple of walks with Sammy this evening, and then mam and dad popped by.  We had another coronavirus case in Shetland today, first in nearly two weeks.  And again, it's linked with someone travelling outwith Shetland.  

It stayed fairly dry over my lunch break, and I managed a brisk walk.  As I came along the road, there was a field full of ponies.  Most stayed away, sheltering under the hill, but this peerie guy came over, and popped his head around the old fence post.  He enjoyed a nose scratch, and a good scratch behind the lugs.  Taken near Hollander's Knowe, Gulberwick.  

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