
By stujphoto

Last Throes (throws) of Winter

After a brilliantly bright start to the day with a clear cloudless sky, the sea mist (or haar as we know it up here) quickly enveloped us and blotted put the sun. I left Dunbar in sunlight and drove maybe 5 miles up the road to take Zoe a walk only to find myself in a grey fug. By the time we had finished the walk, the whole of the landscape was immersed and so it has remained all day.

This has drastically reduced my blipping opportunities but I was determined to get something outside so I wandered round the garden. What I noted was the way in which many of the copper beach leaves,, although curled and brown, are still clinging like grim death to the tree. There were a few on the ground and I decided to put the clock forward and spell the end of winter by photographing some on the ground. I will admit that I cheated and pulled three off the tree as they were so much more interesting than the ones that were disintergrating on the ground. In any case what really drew me to this subject was the lovely sinuous curves of the leaves as they gradually died. So you have a still life (pardon, death) !

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