A view along the beach

10.6C with blue sky in the morning. Thin cloud appearing in the afternoon. Light but quite cooling breeze.

Maeve the Deerhound and I went out after lunch and set off on our usual route. When we reached the field with the bridle path I thought for a moment about heading off out the country road to see if something else might catch my interest for blipping. Didn't happen. We turned right and off we went down the field. We'll do that another day.

Walking down the field we could hardly fail to notice that the farmer has been ploughing since we were there yesterday. The area between the bales at the top and the last bales on a trailer at the bottom of the field has been ploughed and harrowed. The rest of the bales are still there though.

We didn't go across the level crossing today. We just carried on along the cycle path and then the road then went over the road bridge to the car park at Westhaven. The tide was well out. There were some people on the beach with children, and one dog walker with a small dog which was enjoying a swim. School holidays of some sort perhaps. I took a few shots looking East where there were neither adults nor children :-)

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