A quiet day today.  It was so blowy out I decided not to venture out after all.  Part of me wished I had ventured at least down to Grange Prom to take some photos but I'm just not in the mood.

I'm trying to get to grips with a colour wheel for photography but failing terribly.  

It's definitely a Sunday type day today so am watching Miss Marple's 4:50 from Paddington.  The very best Miss Marple ever Joan Hickson of course, I can't watch the ones who came after her because they all just got it so wrong, especially the production side of things.  Miss Marple or Poirot is definitely a dreich Sunday afternoon type of viewing - for me anyway.

Another bird photo I'm afraid.  A Dunnock I think but am not 100% certain of this.  The robin and a couple of these dunnocks were really enjoying playing  about in the wet and wind this morning whilst pausing to feed from their own personal cafe of course!!!

Take care out there, stay safe and see  you all tomorrow.  Thank you for all your lovely hearts, stars and comments, they do help cheer me up.  This is a really great site.

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