
By CharlotteJ

Ten things.......

Ten things learnt before 1pm

1.Cats won't budge if they are comfortable regardless!
2.Petrol and windscreen wash helps
3.Remembering laptop also helps
4.Don't shut the front door with no door key
5.Put hot water in cup to make tea - cold water is a no, no
6.Mothers change their mind for no reason what so ever!
7.Don't call hubby when at work for something that is minor in his world although it was pretty minor in my world to - see above point!
8.A SD card will help in a camera
9.A battery will also assist a camera
10.Do a good deed, it makes you smile

Working from home this afternoon and could not help but notice the little Crocus and never knew it is part of the Iris family, so that's 11 things I have learnt!

Busy afternoon and evening ahead!

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