Cleaning woman (ER blip)

I have been sleeping very lightly this week after my dad's death and the colonoscopia and all. I guess that I have slept quite well though, considering that when I have woke up, I feel like not have slept at all.

First thing in the morning in my mind again was funeral.
I found out that opening the grave costs 580euros, but the good news is that, the money includes also closing the grave and the priest fee. The corpse refrigerator of the chapel is free of charge for our own town inhabitants, and the chapel itself is free of rent as this chapel and cemetery happens to be in same parish, where dad lived during his last years. What a joyful thing!!!

An excel workbook needed now. So many different costs will be coming in. A small obituary in local newspaper, will take maybe 1000euros. A small memorial celebration for the closest relatives only. That is because of the corona, all funerals should be only small happenings. And we need a lawyer to make an estate inventory for tax purposes, so that has to be booked and paid, but that can be done later - but not later than 3 months after the person's death.

Have I forgot something? This all will take several thousands of euros... Discussed about everything with my brother and with my step-mom. I am happy as step-mom is in this with me together, and also my brother and step-brothers are helping.

I decided to clean up our home. My daughter had the same idea. That meant that hubby had to leave for a long walk, just to keep out from our way.

The cleaning could of course be some psychological behavior, but I can assure, that our home has had almost as sandy floors as children in sand boxes!

After six hours all carpets outdoors shaken (not stird) and floors vacuumed and wet cleaned and all dust wiped! Super feeling!!!

And I felt tired (but so much happier) afterwards.


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