Sandy Beaches and a Ringfort
We took a trip across the island of Öland to the east coast today. Our first destination was a tiny port, Bläsinge, with 4 small fishing boats moored there. The huge car-park, with another nearby specially for camper-vans, indicated that in summer this was a busy place. Today we were nearly alone though we encountered a jogger and then a dog-walker on the beach. It felt cold, windy and damp and no-one fancied a swim.
After that we headed for Sandy Borg. This is not a village, it's the remains of a ringfort where the population seems to have been massacred sometime towards the end of the 5th century. Considering how fortified their village looks in this 3D animation they certainly weren't expecting trouble. If this seems a little familiar you may have read about it in the Guardian a couple of years ago and if you are scientifically minded there's an open source article about the happening and the bioarcheological research concerning the site.
For us it had none of the bad feeling mentioned in the Guardian article, but was a pleasant place to watch the sun go down and look at the waves drifting onto the shore.
Our final trip of the day was to the shops, to stock up on crisps and chocolate before spending a good evening in front of the fire, watching a film.
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