Walking in the rain....

Neither of us managed a walk yesterday, which was sunny and bright, with a strengthening wind.
It dried all the towels out on the line. Good day for more laundry.
We were waiting for the District Nurse, but after a phone call at teatime to ascertain if there would be another visit, there had been an emergency so she is coming tomorrow instead. They work so hard.
I decided, as it was mizzling first thing, that I would do my usual circular, if it rained or not.
I got all togged up in my well used walking coat, that has seen us do many a walk in the past up in the Lake District. Climbing the Langdale Pikes a few times, Helvellyn, via Striding Edge, Coniston Old Man and my one regret I never actually made it up ScaFell. I climbed my first mountain, Helvellyn, at the age of 52! Stephen had done a lot of the others already in his teens.
We’d always done long walks in the Lakes, and one of my all time favourites is Easedale Tarn. I love the Easedale Valley. It is so beautiful.
Anyway I digress down memory lane!
Stephen decided he would come with me part of the way and then diverge to take the shorter route back home.
I really enjoyed being out, even in the fine drizzle. The damp leaf smells and vegetation hung in the air. It is not cold outside, but it is not going to be properly daylight today.
I stopped to take the photo having walked through the Arts and Craft Centre by the Farmhouse Bistro, where we had our first coffees after coming out of the first Lockdown earlier this year.
It was so good to sit outside looking over the fields of late Spring thinking maybe life could get back to normal.
If only we had known!
Best not to, really.
Well, time to sort out lunch.
I’m so behind with comments at the moment, but enjoying your photos!

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