
By BlueMerle


Today was Bikewise day for the school children, they have a Policeman come every year during the first month of school being back, to talk about safety , bikewise etc.

As part of Bikewise, they have to ride their bikes down the footpath down to the camping ground, they get an iceblock and have a play on the playground equipment then they ride back to school.

There are a few parents on bikes as well as the Policeman who has been instructing the children at school. The local Policeman was also on hand with his car, and he parked up across the road so that the children could cross one street safely on their way to and from the camping ground.

Couldn't decide which photo to use so thought I would crop a few of them and try a collage, hey presto, my first ever collage, still a lot more to learn about making them.

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