A time for everything

By turnx3

Milkweed seed pod

A really warm sunny day - a touch of Indian summer. In the afternoon we went cycling on the Little Miami trail, heading north from Corwin. I managed 14 miles return, though I wasn’t feeling particularly energetic. As we were cycling along, a guy heading the other way called out there was a bald eagle off to our right. We saw the huge nest first, in a tree set back a fair distance from the trail, but clearly seen with the naked eye. The eagle was sitting on a branch a little higher. Unfortunately it was too far to photograph, with too many twigs and branches in the way. We made a mental record of what mile marker we were at, and we shall make a point of looking out in future, and try and remember to put the binoculars in the bag next time. We also passed Spring Valley wildlife refuge, which was quite busy with fishermen today, and this is where I saw the milkweed seed pods, which I find so beautiful and fascinating. In the evening it was my Zoom book club meeting. Since our last meeting, L., who organizes the Zoom, had paid for a subscription - she also uses it for her business - so we were able to have more time this evening.

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