a little bit of rhubarb

By Puggle


I was going to just cruise quietly past 365 - I had a blip for the day already lined up, as I was promised to join 100,000 of my closest friends at the world's largest short film festival, Tropfest.*

But I got an earful from YackamundaMel, so I conceded I could put a red balloon to represent 365 in somewhere. And then I added a flamingo. And my friend Sin, dressed in a Liberace suit.# And then another flamingo (this one with a lei around its neck) and a proper 365 - and then I took these last two out again, because really there is such a thing as too much tacky stuff. Anyway, nothing says tacky better than a lone flamingo. No doubt this clunkily-composed photo gives real photographers the horrors, but I had fun mucking about for a bit (and that's all that matters, isn't it?)

Thank you to everybody who has stopped by to have a look and/or comment over the past year - I think it's the cheery sense of community that makes this site so enjoyable. I love seeing what people have got up to - it is both inspiring and frustrating, because you spend the next minute or two wondering 'how the hell they did that!' And I really value the little conversations that start up and take on a life of their own. I haven't got a clue what most people on blip look like, but I love getting to know them and look forward to picking up where the conversation left off, the next time I log in.

It probably goes without saying, but thank you to the guys 'n' gals at BlipHQ and to Joe for his roaringly good idea for a website. I could never have thought a year ago that I would be squealing with delight at finding plastic flamingos! Blip is proving to be a strange and richly bizarre country to explore - I started out without a compass and without even really knowing why it was that I signed up to Blip in the first place....and now I'm quite happy to be just going with the flow, wherever it takes me. :-)

* The wrong film won, of course - Better Than Sinatra should have! (Awfully sweet of the judges to raise a special $3,000 prize for the subject of the film, though).
# In the interests of transparency, I should mention that it was impossible to get a Liberace or Elvis outfit (or indeed anything sparkly) as it's Mardi Gras time and all such things are as scarce as hen's teeth. So in sheer desperation I have resorted to using a paper doll suit, from Liberace: Your Personal Fashion Consultant.

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