Here there and everywhere

By digitaldaze


This was my first day of input sessions with the new trainees and I’m weary tonight. I was online live from 7.30am till 2.30pm, delivering three input sessions with breaks in between. Afterwards, I annotate on the slides to remind them of what we talked about, their questions etc, and send them all as pdfs. It's actually much faster than photocopying, collating and stapling! Mind you, I used to have 12 or even18 trainees on courses and there are five on this course!

I managed two decent walks today: one on my own after I’d finished work at 5.40pm and then another with Bb before dinner. 14,500 steps is respectable for me.

Speaking of dinner, it's chilli-stuffed peppers. I made a big pot of chilli yesterday. We had it last night with bread and now tonight with the peppers. The plan was to eat half and freeze the other, but it's so good that the rest will be our lunch tomorrow, maybe with another twist!

My blip is of some hibiscus buds on our tree on the patio. It's surviving and although it's been poorly I’m not so worried that we're going to lose it completely now. Taken on one of my breaks.

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