Peach-ure perfect

Wednesdays are our morning to go sit somewhere lovely and natter, so we did just that. Home for a Skype with the ever wonderful M&M and handing out washing to friends.
Straight from school we drove to wave to Sole. This new time works perfectly!! We can go straight from school and get to prison just as she begins her 3 hours siesta time in her cell. Soooo wonderful to see her from afar. Danny and the kids dropped me off in San An to have coffee with Becky and Debra. Lovely to see them both. Then home in time for Danny to go teach 2 lessons and for the kids and I to go up to the ramparts for sunset. Such unusual peachy colours tonight! The fire in Sa Penya has been lit - winter must be on it's way!

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Fantastic clouds today - such gorgeous shapes.
2) Time at the ramparts with the kids.
3) Good conversation with Danny.

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