Last leaf remaining
Yesterday I received my new phone, I had ordered it about 3 weeks ago and it was delivered yesterday. When checking that I had done a backup I realised I had never backed up my photos, so I started doing that and it took all day yesterday and finally finished uploading last night. So today I was able to finally switch over to my new phone and it has taken a while to log in to all the apps again and download all the music. I love getting a new phone and Apple make it as easy as possible to transfer all the data and settings from the old phone to the new phone, but some things still require setting up.
Last night I did not sleep well as I realised I had done no Christmas shopping yet and I felt a bit panicky about it. Usually by the end of November I am sorted! In reality with the way our lifestyle has changed due to living with the pandemic, the kind of presents I would usually buy are no longer needed - boys usually get cufflinks but who wears those anymore when working from home? I am sure things like perfume, makeup and fashion items will not be on many Christmas lists this year! Baking accessories, gardening stuff and lounge wear is the new thing instead!
Last night I rushed my supper so I could attend a zoom talk about macro photography that I had booked some time ago - I could not understand why it kept saying '1 participant' until I realised I had the wrong night!! It is tonight so I had better not forget it, I cannot keep up with these zoom meetings.
It was a dull day today, the leaves are falling quite quickly now and soon we will have the bare trees of winter.
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