Wide Wednesday - Blip Birthday

I was planning to do something special for my 8 year Blip Birthday but life got in the way!! :o)

Had to go to a meeting at Julians house late this afternoon and on the way there I noticed the last of the light and this lonely tree and power pole.  I screeched to a halt and snapped off a phone shot in the hope of getting a blip for tonight and fortunately its half decent and fits with Light/Shadow!! Whew!  ;o)

Hard to believe that 8 years has gone by since I first got the Blip Bug and that there is a solitary photo from my life for each of those days!  Blip is a wonderful place to come to everyday and share a part of my life and to catch up on all your lives as well. You are all without a doubt the nicest bunch of people on the whole internet - may we Blip on forever!!!  ;o)xxxxx

Thanks to Bob/Bobs Blips for hosting Wide Wednesday ;o)

Time has run out and the bed is calling, hope to catch up tomorrow night!! 

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