Someone has been nibbling their way
through my seed collection, but thoughtfully left me pot marigold, Love-in-the-Mist, California poppy, & weirdly all the runner bean seed pods. The one seed I would have thought it would have found tasty. The beautiful Oriental poppy heads completely obliterated. Time to blitz the shed. A beautiful morning up on the plot I emptied the shed, packed the trays of seed into carrier bags to bring home, brought the staging out, brushed through, picking up all the French marigold seed scattered everywhere. I had a bonfire. I love a bonfire. I blocked the one opening I found, there's probably more.
Back home I removed the inner glass panel of the oven door to clean.
Next job attempt to retune the tv. Both BBC1 & 2 have recently been really bad reception with the picture breaking up so I keep re-tuning, occasionally it works, like today, after the forth attempt.
This afternoon I've been sorting the seed from the poo kindly left behind, no pun intended, by the little visitor, packing into little cellophane bags, remembering to label as I went as I do seem to have some mystery seed saved. More to do but it's cider time.
Thanks to JillOrme JDO for hosting Tiny Tuesday
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