Eday (Day 2011)

I woke up at work this morning, and after a quick breakfast, I got on with the first bit of the job - swapping the kitchen sink. It all went surprisingly well, with none of the normal problems which normally come with the job.
Next was a washbasin to change, and again it went really well.
While I was having a bit of lunch and tidying up, another customer called to ask if I could visit to look at some work for him, so I took a trip along to see him.
Back along to the original job to clear up and load the van, then a visit to another potential customer who is interested in a quote for a new shower and enclosure. They have been waiting for someone to do a quote for nearly a year.
On the way back to the pier to wait for the ferry home, I stopped to get a quick shot for the blip.
Great to be home with my beautiful wife and to light the log burner for the first time.

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