The Water Buffalo

When I was a kid, there was a big water buffalo living in the vacant lot at the end of our street, the one with grass no one ever mowed. When asked for advice he would just point (He never said anything because water buffaloes are like that: they hate talking). The trouble was that no one knew what he was pointing at, or how far we had to go, or what we were supposed to do when we got there . . .  

I must have mentioned Shaun Tan, the brilliant Australian author and  illustrator, before. He creates the kind of picture books that span all ages and are full of the most wonderful, often surreal, illustrations. I have several of his books, most notably The Arrival, a far-reaching, often unsettling, graphic novel about being  a displaced person. 

I knew there were two books of short stories, but had forgotten about them, until Kendal mentioned one of them. Now I have them and what amazing books they are. One is tales from outer suburbia - a set of extraordinary tales of the quiet mysteries of everyday life. The illustrations are amazing, the stories unforgettable. A book for adults and children alike - to be read at several levels. 

Perhaps I will mention Eric another time! 

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