
By Groggster

Hope EP

EP is normally a term for a musical recording that contains more tracks than a single but is usually unqualified as an album or LP. I have used this term on this occasion as a small riff on hope instead of any extended thesis. There are two things which have brought me hope today - what appears to be the end of the spiteful presidency of the orange toddler, which will hopefully herald a kinder, gentler, more compassionate and less confrontational world, and reports of the possibility of a vaccine for Covid-19 to end this dreadful pandemic.
I used the fallen leaves in our garden to spell out the word HOPE and the two extras are enlargements of the letters E and P. 
On a completely different and much lighter topic I managed to create a new culinary delight - Cocktail Sausage Stir Fry. This consists of the following - one packet of Waitrose Singapore Stir Fry (other stir fries are available), fresh cherry tomatoes, sour cream, baby corn and the aforementioned cocktail sausages - sounds horrible but tastes great! Bon Appetit!

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