Granny’s diary.

Tidying out papers today and I had another wee read at my Granny’s diary. This excerpt from the diary is taken from 1937. Most of the diary is farm related.... killing a pig or a horse being sold. All the chores that were done daily were also recorded. What never seems to be mentioned is anyone’s birthday except in this portion.... my Uncle’s fourth.There were 5 in the family plus Granny and Grandpa.

The bit that surprised me in this section was the buying of a new Singer car. My mother never ever mentioned the fact that they even had a car then! She would have been 12 and always said that when they did not walk to school , they were taken by pony and trap! They were 3 miles from the school and in the winter it was hard going.

I am also surprised by the amount of sixpences and threepenny pieces being handed out too!

Another foggy, mild day but it did not stop us walking locally. Our car is in for a service so no trips out today.

Everything crossed re Covid vaccine news!

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