
We woke up to thick fog, which put paid to my plan to go for an early morning walk in the sunshine.  BB had rugby so TT dropped him off and then came home with some warm bread as he had paid a visit to the bakery.  I had a slice with a thick layer of butter – it was delicious.  The fog lifted,  and the sun appeared so I headed out for a walk just in case that turned out to be the nicest part of the day.  It was lovely looking down on the mist in the valley.
BB was very muddy again, and even after a long shower, he still had mud on his face and in his ears.  We had lovely fresh bagels for lunch which went down a treat.  TT decided he was on tea, so made a plan.  He needed a few bits and pieces so we went out to pick up what he needed and then had a lovely walk home taking a detour round by the river.  We were just bemoaning the fact that we hadn’t seen a kingfisher for a  long time when TT spotted one.  He knew where it had landed, but I couldn’t see it, but I did see it when  it took off again and flew up the river.  What a lucky spot,  We then saw it momentarily further up as it flew off again.
By the time we got home Joe Biden was the President elect.  At last.    We had a celebratory gin and tonic.  TT then made his fish pie and I caught up with the news.  Later we watched another couple of episodes of Spiral.
I didn’t get a blip of the kingfisher who was far too fast for me, but I did get this heron who was prowling the river.  I wonder if it is the same one I blipped a few Saturdays ago.

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