
The plan before the lockdown announcement was for my friend to stop over at mine to break his journey from Truro to his new home in Dumfries and Galloway, in advance of the removal van and his wife heading up tomorrow.

Instead he booked in at the Premier Inn in town and we arranged to meet up, hopefully for a little walk if he managed to arrive before dark.

A cunning alternative plan came to mind this morning. After cutting my hair, I got busy making Veronica’s butternut squash soup and some soda bread. He made good time on clear roads and arrived at 2pm so we headed down to the lake went for a walk (we reckon we spotted a peregrine and some interesting looking mushrooms ... not sure what type but I’ve added an extra in case anyone can identify it?) and then we made a fire on the beach and had soup, bread, tea and a bit of cake to finish as the light faded. It was so peaceful and still, and as darkness fell the owls started calling and Mr Brock was out and about.

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