Tribute ....
...... in Limpsfield.
This is St Peters Church featured in the Doomsday book 1086 , none of the original building exists . The present one is C12th , the spire dates back to 1180 ( so you could say it's old!!) It's all the more poignant today as the church is connected to the 49th squadron association. The poppies were all crocheted lining each side of the steps leading to the church and over the archway too. The across the road was this decorated tree stump ( made into a seat ) to commemorate the squadron. Beautifully done. Also of interest is several people of note buried there to name but one - - Delius.
In 2014 I was fortunate to be in Greece for the Remembrance Sunday ( recorded ) I thought this was the most poignant I'd ever been to, but I must say the cenotaph today made me shed tears, it was done so well with S/D etc in place.
For me it was really heartfelt , my maternal grandfather was a medical orderly in the 1st world war , he must have seen some terrible sights and of course they had to fight too. When he returned he never spoke about it , (as many didn't either ) sadly he was only home a few months before he died from Flu' ( Spanish flu epidemic) . I also gave thought to "A's" father who escaped from a Japanese POW camp , he and three others managed to get to Singapore where 40 men in all got into a small boat which took them to several islands , finally Indonesia before being posted to India to complete the Burma war . Again things are sketchy as it wasn't spoken about to much.
Tho' the day started bright it became cloudy at lunch time but we still managed to get out for a blip and a stroll all in rules provided .
Do hope you've had a good Remembrance Sunday .
Grateful ..... for all the brave men and women that fought for us all. Also those still fighting for us in so many ways. A big THANK YOU to all.
I also stood for the 2 outed silence.
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