Many poppies

The blip book I was creating last week arrived back this week and I am so pleased with it. So, on a grey, damp day, I am now started on the next one - only a few more to go! Time consuming as it is, I love doing this, as it appeals to my joy in page ordering and design But also it means I get to see all the old blips and of course become involved with their context. 

Appropriately, I am dealing now with the "Year of the Poppies' and remembering how blown away we were when we went to London to see them. A few months later we returned as I wanted to see them once more and the family came again too. The next year we saw some of them in various venues, including Carlisle Castle, but nothing could match seeing them all in London and realising that each poppy was a life lost. And not just a life, but a son, a husband, a father, a friend. In these difficult times, it maybe helps to imagine what it must have been like to be those at home . . . waiting . . . wondering . . . 

So in a year of very few poppies, here are many.

In remembrance.

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