Tools of the trade
My spade is outside, but otherwise here are the tools for my current task. Furry wellies and gloves, axe and saw for the tree stumps/roots and my handy measuring stick given to me by Mr B after he was apalled at my treatment of his measuring tape. This stick is 2 metres long and has delivered to me two unwelcome bits of news:
1: I am very bad at estimating distances;
2: The garden I have been slaving over for weeks (well, hours at least) is a mere 5 metres by 3 metres. And I was hoping for 10 by 10 by the end of the week....
That depressing discovery sent me scurrying for the box of Galaxy chocolate...
That aside, a relatively lazy day. A trip into Castres to hand back my hire car, which went well (and I'm choosing to forget this morning's dreadful stalling four times incident when trying to leave the school parking lot). It is lovely to be back in the fast grippy wonderful Audi. More bothering of our favourite M. Bricolage cutting person today, making us some shelves that Mr B can put up to store (I'm told) his beer. His back is still bad after lifting that shopping a week ago. Hopefully some ceiling installation will get him back on the right track....
Meanwhile, we are beginning to get excited about our skiing holiday next week.
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