The News

"Good morning here's the news and all of it is good
Good evening here's the news and all of it is good
And the weather's good!

People started calling those in power to account
And people started saying, "I want my voice to count""

- The News by Carbon/Silicon

People set up fireworks and rang church bells around the world.

In the US, every street was like this

and the blip matches this :-)

Now, obviously, I'm just kidding. I live in the suburbs where there was no dancing, no singing in the streets, no clanging pots, just lots and lots of relief, as we were all terrified. Everyone kept referring to the "trauma" of four years ago so no one trusted the polls, and yet a large number of people genuinely hoped for better than the polls. As relieved as they are by the outcome, they are dismayed that over 70M people voted for someone so blatantly evil and incompetent. 

So some of us laughed and cheered and some of us cried and those of us in cities did, literally, go to the streets and honk our horns and dance. 

Whatever happens tomorrow, today was a day of relief and celebration. 

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