I went to bed late and got up late so by the time I went out to the village it was already getting dark - and colder.  As I left the house I popped a pair of gloves into my handbag in case I needed them.  After a while I decided I did need the gloves on but when I looked in my bag I could only find one.  So one hand remained cold.  When I got home I found the missing glove on the doormat.  Silly thing must have fallen out of my bag.  Sorry but this is the best I could come up with for Silly Saturday in memory of Admirer.  Thanks to carol_dunham for hosting today .

Musical link  HAND IN GLOVE - by The Smiths

Good news from America.  Joe Biden will be elected as the next president.  I know my American friends are all thrilled and they are celebrating today. Hopefully Trump will go without causing any trouble.

CORONA CLASSIC - America the Beautiful by Samuel Augustus Ward played by the National Youth Orchestra of the USA

Steps today 7,066

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