Meatballs & Motorway

With lockdown #2 imminent Mrs S and I took ourselves off on the 210 mile round trip to IKEA!
First stop was the restaurant for a meatball lunch and then onto the walk through the store. We always come away with the same basics, couple of pencils for me to use in the shed, a spatula, preferably wooden to increase our collection, candles with great scents and unpronounceable names, Diam bars and biscuits + the inevitable ‘thing we never knew we needed’. Today was no different although hidden amongst it all were a couple of Christmas gifts, smuggled indoors whilst Sam, everyone else, was out.

It’s not so much the shopping it’s the opportunity to spend almost an entire day in each other’s company and listening to the new Springsteen album on the way up.

The only hiccup, the sixty minutes taken to cover the initial part of the trip through Truro. Not sure what was happening but a lot of police presence.

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