Poppy In the Mist

My apologies to all my friends for my lack of engagement at present. Since that non-covid virus I had my energy has been low. Most of it has been dedicated to my garden. It’s rampant spring here, with phenomenal growth, especially of grasses and weeds. Keeping ahead of my vegetables is a scramble. They are growing faster than usual, with a lot bolting before they are big enough to eat. Some tomato plants have already set two layers of fruit, about 6 weeks before they normally do. Temperatures are erratic. In the last four days daily highs have ranged from 11ºC to 27ºC. There’s a threat of frost tonight. All this is exhausting and the time once spent in Blipping is now passed in a foggy desire for bed. Who’d be 80? It’s not always what it’s cracked to be.

I’m still taking daily photos and will eventually fill the gaps in my journal.

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