
It is, of course, very important to keep your bus stops clean. I wish they would come round and do my windows, which are terrible - but I cannot be bothered to devote manual labour to them whilst the demolition still continues. But if someone else were to do them....that would be different.

I fear I peaked too early today. I woke up early to find that precisely no progress has been made in the US election, and indeed no states have been called today, although Nevada seems on the point of being called. It seems that nothing will really be known until the weekend or later, and meanwhile Trump continues to lose his shit. Hopefully, when he is no longer President, Twitter will ban him (and he'll go to jail). Meanwhile, if you haven't seen it, check out this Comedy Central sketch. Nicely summarises the position.

Anyhoo, having woken up early, I forced myself to get up again, and did an early fitness class and then Mr A and I walked the marches, although not as briskly as earlier in the week. I've been fading ever since, especially at the end of a 2.5 hour zoom as part of a workshop, which continues tomorrow morning. It was supposed to be in Paris in June. Instead it's in November. In my study. Not a good exchange.

It will be an early night for me.

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