Tom Zimmerman

By Zimmt54

A Better World For Our Children

7:52 AM - This is it.  Tom Zimmerman calls the election for Joe Biden. It will be a better world because of it.  I hold so much grievance against Trump... his inept handling of Covid, his 23,000 lies, his demagoguery, self-enrichment......but, to me, nothing compares to what he has done to children.

I pray that our new administration finds a way to reunite the 535 kids living in ICE chain link fence cages with their parents. I pray this never happens again in the greatest country on earth.

Where you see wrong or inequality or injustice, speak out, because this is your country. This is your democracy. Make it. Protect it. Pass it on.
--Thurgood Marshall

Our nation just did this.  We spoke out.

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